COVID-19 protocols change again in the NBA

Covid-19 has continued to change and impact how all of us live our lives. Sports is no different. Due to the increase in coronavirus cases in the US and the increase in cases amongst players, the NBA is changeing the protocols in places making them even stricter than before. Here are tweets from Shams Charania on the changes.

Is the NBA in danger of shutting down?

Absolutely. Nothing is guaranteed in this “new normal” and no one knows what’s coming next and how much worse it can get. The NBA has stated that you shouldn’t expect any shut down soon, but it’s absolutely a possibility. Adrian Wojnarowski spoke on ESPN’s SportsCenter about why the NBA doesn’t want to stop the league, but is prepared to do so if it must.

No Bubble hasn’t worked out so good

One could make the argument that playing a close contact sport and flying regularly across the country to do so during a global pandemic was foolish, dangerous, and irresponsible to begin with. The reality is we live in a capitalistic society and in capitalism you do things you wouldn’t normally do for money. Which includes traveling all year long when every health expert is urging you to stay home.

One thing I believe we can all agree on is not having the bubble environment has been a negative. In the bubble everything was safe and now we’ve had many players infected, games and practices canceled, and tighter restrictions initiated to try and keep this season going as scheduled.

Hoping for an end

I’m not very optimistic that the season will go without a significant pause. It just seems the most likely scenario is a pause sometime here in January. So far that’s been avoided, but it’s hard to be optimistic. I hope the season can continue safely. I hope this pandemic ends. I hope no one reading this loses someone they love due to the coronavirus. All we have is hope and a Lakers game coming up, for now.

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